
Through common usage shortened versions of phrases evolve into more easily managed,
compact forms.  So organic perspective has become orp.  In many cases they are interchangable.  Still and all, they too have their individual places in language usage.

Orp has developed a niche of useful phrases, applicable as verbs/nouns/adjectives and other as yet to be "classified" applications.  Some examples are at  

As with all language, this too is evolving.  As I become aware of further instances of use, I will update the above page. 

While the phrase "organic perspective" indicates a particular approach to dealing with, living or evaluating, orp is more quirky and is becoming an entity on its own.  Orp is, of course, based on the intentions and interactions of organic perspective.  Further though, it encompasses the trendy, abbreviated speech patterns of today. 

Got some Orp examples or ideas?
Share them here.