--- MIT Media Labs has developed a $100 computer, which will be available to aid agenc ies and governments who are hoping to have a computer in the hands of every child in the world. Orp on.
--- Maimonides Geriatric Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada demonstrates organic perspective. They have begun a program which will humanize and cheer a heartwrenching lives. Volunteers and staff are assembling audio visual biographies for these folks. As well as cheering persons who may be unable to remember many of the details, it will aid their caregivers in understanding and connecting with the people they are caring for.
--- Mathis Natvik believes in organic perspective. Natvik is a naturalist who has spearheaded the preservation of Clear Creek Forest in Chatham-Kent, Ontario. Significant to this historic site, is a 300 year old beech tree, believed to be the oldest in Ontario. As well, there are huge oaks, maples and beech trees, suspected to be the largest in Ontario. Long term plans for Clear Creek include ridding it of as much traces of civilization as possible, and returning it to a resemblance of the pristine 1800's forest.
--- Kaiser-Hill Co. absolutely has organic perspective. Their procedures are so sensible and "old fashioned", so basic, so open and absent convoluted maneuverings, they conduct business from an organic perspective. Kaiser Hill has completed a United States Department of Energy cleanup of an abandoned nuclear weapons facilty. Here is the orpy part. This job has been completed in ten years (instead of the estimated sixty), and cost the government $7 billion (instead of $37 billion). How'd they do it? Openness. All groups---government, community, private had access to their data and all information. Suggestions were listened to, and implemented. The facility is now ready to be used as a wild life refuge. Very Orp.
--- SkyBuilt Power Inc has developed a portable solar unit, which can be even dropped by parachute, and set up in a few hours. It has the potential to provide adequate power for substantial operations, and battery backup as well. It seems as if it will be economical enough and portable enough to be installed even in situations/countries which are underfunded. Good Orp.
--- President Lula da Silva, Brazilian President, has shown organic perspective. The President has created two large nature preserves, larger than the country of Belgium. They are also assuming (temporary) control of another eight million hectares of Brazils forest. The government hopes to protect their natural resources and guard against deforestation.
--- The Guardian Unlimited, online has organic perspective. I recently came across their site re Obitiuaries. It was excellent to see this statement: "Obituaries pages traditionally describe/celebrate the lives of the great and good, the famous and infamous. There is another type of life that deserves noticing: people less in the public eye, or lives lived beyond formal recognition. Please send your contributions to". It is definitely organic perspective to realize and understand the genius, value, worth and excellence of "regualr folks". Way to orp.
--- Ben Phillips; A New Brunswick Mount Allison third-year university student, has organic perspective. Ben stands alone to guard one of nature's ancient wonders. He has discovered the oldest spruce tree in the world. Ben found this tree a walk somewhere around the Bay of Fundy. After analyising its rings, Ben has decided it predates European colonization in North America, is about 445 years old, and is the oldest red spruce tree in the world. Mr. Phillips didn't discover the tree solely by chance. He was working on a grant, from the Royal Canadian Geographic Society to study the effects of weather patterns on trees. Yet and still, Ben has decided to keep this tree's location from the public, and possible deleterious effects of their interests. Orp!.
--- Jeff Westeinde, Canadian "Brownie" award winner has organic perspective. Brownies are awards given to individuals and companies who excel in "repairing" derelict industrial landscapes .It is a Canadian initiative sponsored by Canadian Urban Planners, the giving of "Brownies".
--- Yann Martel, Canadian Booker Prize winning author, has organic perspective. Mr. Martel is running a competition for someone to illustrate his book, Life of Pi. He accepts, maybe even expects, that the winner will not neccissarily visualize his words/story as he himself might. He understands that every person who reads his words will enjoy their own visuals, and suggests that this might result in a unique interpretation for the winning artists entry. Orp.
--- Charles Bagnerise, New Orleans evacuee, now living inCalgary, Alberta, definitely has orp. Following hurricane Katrina, Mr. Bagnerise feared for his life and retreated to his attic. A good samaritan rescued Charles via boat. His property was ruined and lost, but eventually contact was made with a son in Calgary. Now living with his son, Mr. Bagnerise expresses no regrets for the forced move or property loss down south. Rather he refvels in family closeness and his new opportunities to make friends. Organic perspective.
--- Morris Karelfsky, of Tamarac Florida, uses tin cans to make chairs.
-- James Kunstler advocates that housing, parking lots, roadsides and general architecture should be more "human" focused. These should be designed for human interaction and respect for the countryside. Try to limit giant roadside signs, rejuvenate "trashed" city blocks, encourage neighbours to visit on front porches. Good orp.
During Princess Diana’s goodwill duties with Aids she stunned her protocol officers when she held the hands of aids victims and conversed with them as if………..they were people. Princess Diana had an organic perspective and “the firm” just didn’t get it.
President Bush’s daughters were charged with underage drinking and he let the charges stay. This was orp.
Spruce Meadows (International horse jumping facility in Calgary, Alberta, Canada). A entire car full of people can get into one of their events for a few dollars. They’ve said they’ll never turn anyone away. They have been reported as saying they want it to be a place for all people. Kids are welcome, dogs are welcome. Ron and Marg Southern, and daughter Linda Southern-Heathcott, have organic perspectives. They have orp.
You’re walking down the street and your glance meets that of a homeless person pushing a shopping cart. Instead of quickly looking away, you maintain eye contact, smile and say “good afternoon”. That’s organic perspective. That is orp.
Your family decides to shed a few pounds. You buy the same groceries every week but take twenty per cent of them to the food bank each week. That’s orp.
King Solomon was presented with the quandary of two mothers claiming the same infant as theirs. He suggested cutting it in half, and giving half to each. The real (actual) mother said to give the child to the other, as she would sooner save her child’s life. King Solomon had orp. Organic perspective.
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (innovator of mother tongue method of teaching music): his belief in music was twofold. *Every child could learn music **To develop children who are good, decent, happy beings (who also love music), is enough. Dr. Suzuki had organic perspective.
A child, dressed in --------- A youngster in very best clothes, sees a young bird fallen from its nest. Climbing the tree, the baby is returned to safety, but the clothes are damaged. Mom and Dad remark on the child’s good efforts and don’t seem to notice the damaged clothing. This is orp. Organic perspective
When Czar Nicholas II and his faily were interred in Siberia they made the best of it. Instead of screaming an flailing at the injustices, they set to work digging a garden. That’s orp.
--- David defeated Goliath. My grade two teacher in Oshawa, Ontario read us this parable. She wanted, she said, us to understand that even though we were small and young, we could make a difference and accomplish things. This is orp.