Examples of Use
Orp:  effecting organic perspective
Orp off:  sound off
Orp around:  gossip
This is orp:  something pertaining to common folk.
Orpy:  sensible
Have you been orped?
Orpless:  overly technical/pompous
Orp that:  take technical jargon and make it into “common” language.
Orp out:
Orp you:  quit talking jargon.
Orp (verb):  acting in harmony with organic perspectives.
Orp this:  explain with technical
Can you orp this?  Reduce it to common talk.  Take out the techno babble.  Translate the techno babble.

Orp here:  give your viewpoint
Orp along:
You have been orped.
What’s your orp on this?
Go out and orp.
What’s our orp?
What’s your organic perspective?
Now go out and orp.

Orp here?
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