orp   Art   review

Art is made great by the “feelings”, yearnings and thoughts it provokes (evokes) in people.  It has been rumored that collectors, professional reviewers and the like are people too, and not esoteric gods with a language all their own.  Obviously it is gratifying to be noticed and lauded (even criticized) by gods.  Gods needn’t speak for all of us.

Unencumbered by “correct language”, trade terminology, or specific education in critical review, upwards of four billion people still have an idea of the feelings and yearnings which art evoke, from their perspectives.

Their perspectives are more organic.   Less influenced by the additives, preservatives and genetic modifications of the “trade”.  Theirs is an organic perspective.

Art can reach you in fundamental ways.  ---You see a painting of a child and a shiver rushes through your being. 

In discussing what we believe to be the good and the bad, in expressing our impressions, we come close to the essence of art and artist.

Professional reviewers and collectors’ vocabulary gives artists a space and shape and form to be placed in.  A category to be slotted.

Masses give life through their energy of appreciation, involvement, criticism, intuitive grasping of what’s pertinent to them.  Energy, both negative and positive feed the artist.  Much as important as food this energy feeds creativity.  Starving painters can still create even if sought after or reviled.  Ignored artists tend to fade away to obscurity even if well fed.  History’s famous artists, who died broke, still had a patron, or someone who admired/loved them, who reveled in their work. 

Art--- Organic Perspectives.  What are yours?

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